International Human Microbiome Congress Paris 2012

Published on February 25, 2012 by Julien Tap

GMFHx microbiota website

1 min READ

The next International Human Microbiome Congress (IHMC) organized by MetaHIT be held in Paris, 19-21 March 2012, at the Palais Brongniart. This conference is under the patronage of UNESCO and supported by the European Commission. This is the largest conference on the Human microbiome, the latest taking place in Shenzhen in 2010 and Vancouver in 2011.

Scientific exchanges will be around the analysis of the human microbiome, data organization and interpretation. Then, researchers will present their recent work about associations between the microbiome to human health and the potential to modulate it. Finally, the conference will end around a debate about the challenges of the future.

Personally, I invited you to pay attention on Iradj Sobhani’s talk who will present our latest study about colon cancer microbiome and we could have a chat around the poster of Ling Chun Kong who will present our latest result about the gastric bypass effect on gut microbiota.

Join the conversation on twitter using the hashtag #IHMC2012.

auditorium brongniart paris ihmc2012

To be read :

[FR] La métagénomique et les défis pour la bioinformatique au goût #IHMC2012

To be view :

IHMC Principal investigator interview in video